March Update: Covid 19 in Kenya

We understand that Covid 19 is a big concern for all of us at the moment, and this is also the cas…

By Lisa Higgins

February Update: Wonderful Response to …

Thank you so much to all our generous donors. All the students who were featured in our website bl…

By Lisa Higgins

January Update: 2020 the Year of Plenty!

We are excited about the year ahead. Already opportunities are in the pipeline for greater suppor…

By Lisa Higgins

Child Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Please Note: The following students have now all received sponsorship thanks to our ge…

By Lisa Higgins

November Update: The Walls Go Up!

Building Progress: We have been extremely impressed with the speed at which the building has prog…

By Lisa Higgins

October Update: Our Recent Ark Quest Ad…

Recently a team of eight visited Ark Quest Education Centre and participated in the beginning stag…

By Lisa Higgins

August Update: It’s all go at Ark Quest!

Sam and Hannah Johnston (Bethlehem College past students), recently visited Ark Quest Education Ce…

By Lisa Higgins

Excitement is Building!

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of donors who have contributed towards the building of …

By Lisa Higgins

June Update: Sporting Success at Ark Qu…

Sporting Success: Ark Quest students have recently competed against neighbouring schools in a spor…

By Lisa Higgins

May Update: “This school was God’s idea”

The response to our van appeal was truly amazing. Thank you so much to those who donated! Within 3…

By Lisa Higgins

April Update: Urgent

We would like to introduce Christine to you.  She is a Year 7 student at Ark Quest Education Centr…

By Lisa Higgins

A Little Girl Called Oside…

This month we share the story of little Oside, a precious girl who joined Ark Quest School this ye…

By Lisa Higgins

Celebrate with us!

We are delighted to share Calvine and Laura’s good news on the birth of their son, Ebenezer. He wa…

By Lisa Higgins

Another Successful Year

Founders Day. Today is a special day. It is Founders Day, the anniversary of the day the school op…

By Lisa Higgins

Chris and Emily at Ark Quest

A note from Chris and Emily… Chris and I have been blown away by the project of Ark Quest. Chris a…

By Lisa Higgins

October Update: Hannah’s Reflections… a…

Hannah’s Reflection Hannah Johnston is an ex-pupil of Bethlehem College and was part of the team t…

By Lisa Higgins

September Update: A challenging month f…

Calvine has been in touch to share with us, some recent struggles. We have been told that two of t…

By Lisa Higgins

August Update: Sarah’s Visit

Recently Sarah Jackson visited Ark Quest for the 5th time. Sarah, who is from the UK, has a backgr…

By Lisa Higgins

Progress at Ark Quest

Agricultural Club: This month, students who are in the agricultural club, under the supervision of…

By Lisa Higgins

May Update: Exciting plans

Upcoming Trips We are excited to tell you that there is another trip to Kenya coming up! Emily and…

By Lisa Higgins

April Update: First University Student …

Calvine has sent a report on a former Ark Quest student, Albert Karanja: Albert started at Ark Que…

By Lisa Higgins

March Update

Student Sponsorship Update: Victor. We are thrilled to hear that, not only have Whitney and Nipha …

By Lisa Higgins

February Update

God is Good This month we celebrate God’s goodness! Calvine has always said that Ark Quest Educat…

By Lisa Higgins

January Update – Good News!

Update The school term resumed for 2018 on the 2nd of January. The children were quite excited to…

By Lisa Higgins