Progress at Ark Quest

Agricultural Club: This month, students who are in the agricultural club, under the supervision of the gardening master, Mr. Stanley Amaya, planted cowpeas (black-eyed peas). These are greatly appreciated as they ensure a constant supply of vegetables to the school and the community. We look forward to hearing about the harvest to come.

Beatrice Midecha: Beatrice Midecha, joined Ark Quest in 2011 as a 5 year old, walking 3km to school every morning. She is now in her final year of studies at Ark Quest (Year 8). Beatrice lives with her elderly grandmother, who tells the sad story of how Beatrice was deserted by her mother at a very early age. Beatrice doesn’t even know her mother. Her grandmother takes on domestic chores to raise money. However, they struggle to manage their daily meals and other basic needs at home, let alone the serious challenge of raising her school fees. Despite these hardships, Beatrice has attended Ark Quest Education Centre where she has flourished. We hope that Beatrice will perform extremely well later in the year and proceed to further studies.

Annual Health Inspection: The school was recently inspected by the health officials.  The team was impressed by the presentation of the school, and particularly with the availability of clean water and the nourishing food provided for our children. They suggested some improvements to the kitchen building and the toilets, which will be implemented in the near future.

Ark Quest Overall Performance: Recently, the County office of the Ministry of Education, State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education, recognised Ark Quest School for the great performance of our 2017  Year 8 students. This enabled them to gain places in high schools. We are truly grateful to God for the excellent standard of education that is being achieved at Ark Quest.

Food Bank Appeal: Ark Quest provides all 118 students with breakfast and lunch every day; some are also served with dinner. It is difficult for hungry children to learn when they are weak and are unable to concentrate in class. Provision of clean water and basic food is therefore necessary in this community. As Calvine looks ahead, he is realising that the optimum time for purchasing of maize and beans for the storehouse is approaching. This a time when prices drop and he has greater purchasing power. It would be ideal for Calvine to be able to buy in bulk, while prices are low. If you would like to contribute towards this ‘food bank appeal’ it would be greatly appreciated. Please reference your donation ‘food bank’.

The account number for any donations is: ASB Bank 12-3633-0029261-00


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