Another Successful Year

Founders Day. Today is a special day. It is Founders Day, the anniversary of the day the school opened at its new site. It has been operating for 7 years! And each year, students and staff gather to give thanks to God for his continuing provision.

Chris and Emily. Chris and Emily Johnston attended our meeting tonight. We were all encouraged with the news they brought back from Kenya and the progress of the school. In particular they remarked on the wider impact the school is having on the community, and the difference it is having on the lives of the children. They have been inspired, and have returned with passion to enable as many children as possible to attend Ark Quest Education Centre. Emily and Chris have returned with a better understanding of the passion their parents had for Ark Quest. Tomorrow, the 15th of January marks the anniversary of the accident where four of our dear friends were lost.

Update on some of our High School Students. Calvine is really grateful for your continued prayers and support. He has sent the following update on the progress on some of the secondary students.

Salome Iminza, has had a difficult year adjusting to the sudden loss of the mum last year in a traffic accident. Her school performance was impacted, but is now showing steady improvement. She is now performing 37th in a class of approximately 98 students.

Victor Atambo, started his school year late due to lack of funds. Now, thanks to your support, he is doing well. He was able to join a competitive high school and now his future is bright. He is now performing 34th out of 68 students in his class. His best subjects in the year were History and Government, Geography and Business Studies.

Whitney Iramwenya, who is attending the national school, is achieving well. Christian Religious Studies, Agriculture and Mathematics have been her strengths in this first quarter of her studies.

Belindah Karagai, has just completed her high school education at a national school. We are proud to report that we have just received her results and she has done well. Her grades for this year will make it possible for her to secure a position at the University. She had a straight A in mathematics, History and Government and Kiswahili. She also did well in the three sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. We are grateful to God for this transformed life. She will be the first Ark Quest graduate to attend university.

Year Eight Results. Our Year 8 pupils have also done quite well in the recent exam results. 14 out of the 15 students performed well above average. We are grateful to God that all our pupils have been invited to join very good high schools in early January 2019. Once more, our challenge with this blessing is to find a way to be able to provide the funds to enable this co-hort to attend secondary schooling There are four underprivileged students who are currently unable to pay the fees to attend.


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