December Update
Blog Update This latest update from Calvine has highlighted a need for four students who have succ…
Blog Update This latest update from Calvine has highlighted a need for four students who have succ…
Calvine tells us that all is well at Ark Quest, and he thanks all those who support Ark Quest and …
Sam Johnston, an ex-BC student now working for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), has been station…
A message from Calvine to us all. How are you doing friends? Trusting you are all well. I really a…
LATEST UPDATE FROM CALVINE Hard Times – Please Pray At this present time parts of Kenya are strugg…
Ark Quest visit by staff and students from Milimani Academy. UPDATE Calvine reports that students …
Another Team Visits Ark Quest! Sarah Knapp, Caleb Hood, Michael Bell, Jared Miller, Rachel Wallis …
NOVEMBER UPDATE Emma, a former Bethlehem College student, is currently visiting Ark Quest Educati…
We are delighted to start our blog and to share updated information about the progress and activit…