Update July 2017

A message from Calvine to us all.

How are you doing friends?

Trusting you are all well. I really appreciate all you have been doing for us. We are doing well here. The village school is progressing well also. Our children are now in their second term of the year. The teachers’ salaries are up-to-date and that really humbles me. Despite the few challenges we’ve had this year, God has been good and everything is great. Thanks for supporting me with the recent van repair. God bless you always. You have always been my greatest support in my time of need. I am so grateful.


The dairy project is picking up so well. As you may be aware, two of our animals calved successfully, and I am impressed by the cows’ milk yield (one is giving about 20 litres and the other 27 litres daily). I am looking forward to an even better yield as the other cows calve in the coming months.


Please continue to pray with us. Our food prices have increased here in a big way because of the prolonged drought. I have been struggling with that a little, but God has been faithful. I am thankful that your contributions are assisting me to buy a stock of beans (15 bags) that can last us several months to avoid the constant price variation.

God bless you always friends. Thanks so much for all the sacrifices you are making for us. My life has been made easier here because of your support.



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