In July, a team of 20 people from International Needs and Ark Quest Trust will be visiting Kenya. We will be visiting projects in Nairobi, before travelling to Mahanga to spend time at Ark Quest Education Centre. It will be exciting to see the progress that has been made with the agricultural projects and the completion of Stage 1 of the building project. Six classrooms are now complete, with ten to go!
Ark Quest Education Centre has now officially begun teaching its first Year 9 cohort of 15 students. This has been the result of a major change to the Kenyan Education System, which now sees students completing Year 9 before sitting entry exams to attend Secondary School. This change has brought added expenses with the increase of staff and resources needed to provide for these children.
Meanwhile, we continue to fundraise for the final stage of the building project. We are very aware of the state of the existing mud buildings, which are being destroyed by termites. Please continue to pray for Ark Quest, for funds to continue the build, for the students and staff, and the success of our visit.