Changes at Ark Quest Trust

Many of you will be aware that Philip Russell, our founding chairman, recently passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer. We on the trust, miss his wisdom, guidance, and humour terribly! His heart for Ark Quest Education Centre enabled the trust to be established, and it is our privilege and responsibility to continue his vision by supporting the work of the school.


Our new website is the work of Michael Ren, a Year 13 student at Tauranga Boys’ College, who donated his time and talents to modernise our site. We are delighted with the result, and hope that you will also find this a user-friendly point-of-contact for any matters pertaining to Ark Quest Trust. You will notice that we now have the ability to receive donations from the website.


In Mahanga Village, things are not going so well right now. Calvine has informed us that the village families have less income than ever due to Covid related job losses. With so many families unable to pay school fees, this has a direct impact on Ark Quest Education Centre. The school struggles to be able to provide a main meal for the students, to retain staff through regular payment of teacher salaries, and keep the school resourced. We are very grateful for those of you who support us through regular donations, and if this is something God is putting on your heart to do this year, it would be a huge blessing to these families.


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