Thanks to donations from International Needs, 15 families were given chickens soon after Christmas. This will provide a small amount of income and some basic food for the neediest families. It is hoped that this chicken project will be multiplied in the future.

Much of Kenya has been in partial lockdown because of Covid. However, the village has been protected from the disease. Many families have struggled with loss of income and the effects of lockdown. This has put extra pressure on the school to provide food and basic supplies (such as soap) to students and their families.

The school calendar in Kenya has been significantly altered which has impacted on the delivery of the school curriculum. In spite of these difficulties, the Year 8 students have recently sat their national exams and have achieved the usual pleasing results. There is uncertainty around when the Secondary Schools will be starting for the year.
We look forward to sharing some celebrations with you in our next Ark Quest Blog update.