April Update: A Message from Calvine

The following communication has come directly from Calvine…

It’s our hope that you are all doing well despite the lockdown because of the global Covid19 pandemic. Our country has now confirmed 343 Covid19 cases, out of 17,492 samples tested, with 14 deaths across the country. At the village, the closest case is about 70km away, which is in Siaya, Nyanza province, our neighbouring province.

The government has been encouraging us to regularly clean our hands with soap or use sanitiser as often as possible, as well as to keeping social distance by staying at home. This is a very simple exercise at face value, but in reality, these families live from hand to mouth; they don’t have any food or cash to support their families. Many of them have no work and most families are struggling with hunger and poverty particularly at the moment. The possibility of sanitizers or soap is totally out of reach for them. These children have to go to the river to fetch drinking and cleaning water! They are only able to access tap water while at school, so we are really are trusting God for unique protection at this time. Our current focus is to support our teachers and pupils through this difficult season.

Recently, the government requested that we embrace eLearning during the time the children are at home. I was left wondering about the children at my village. How do they even access internet? This technology is beyond being a possibility for them!

Please pray for God’s protection for our village against the terrible effects of the heavy rainfall that is occurring in most parts of the country. Kenya is currently experiencing widespread heavy floods, with many homes being washed away. While the village has escaped the locust infestation, please pray that this does not negatively impact on the food supply for the village.

Thank you for the special donation which enabled us to buy materials to construct a door and 4 windows for the new classrooms. If you are interested in contributing toward a door or a window, please Ark Quest Trust know.

We wish you to know….

Calvine’s parents have both experienced some serious health issues recently, which has put added pressure on Calvine and Laura. Please pray for their continued recovery.


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