May Update: “This school was God’s idea”

The response to our van appeal was truly amazing. Thank you so much to those who donated! Within 3 days we had received all the funds needed to ensure that the van was able to keep running safely and efficiently. We are so encouraged by Calvine’s faith, as he never doubts that God will provide for all of the schools needs. As he has often said, “This school was God’s idea”. We are all truly grateful.


We are excited for the team who will be going on the next trip in September. On this trip, the team will begin the construction of permanent classrooms. Many thanks to those of you who have supported the team in their fundraising initiatives so far. The Car Boot Sale and Sausage Sizzle were a great success. All funds raised are going directly to construction costs (and all team members have paid their own fares). Watch the Facebook page for more upcoming fundraising ventures.




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August Update: Partnering with Internat…

As mentioned in our previous blog, we are delighted to share the news of our new partnership with …

By Lisa Higgins

Ark Quest News: April '24

Musical InstrumentsThanks to recent fundraising through the Kids Concert and the World of Joy Inter…

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November Update: Successful Partnership…

We would like to thank those of you who came to the recent dessert and coffee evening to celebrate…

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November Update

Calvine tells us that all is well at Ark Quest, and he thanks all those who support Ark Quest and …

By Lisa Higgins

A Little Girl Called Oside…

This month we share the story of little Oside, a precious girl who joined Ark Quest School this ye…

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June Update: Sporting Success at Ark Qu…

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August Update: Sarah’s Visit

Recently Sarah Jackson visited Ark Quest for the 5th time. Sarah, who is from the UK, has a backgr…

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July Update: Exciting Upcoming Developm…

Report on Ark Quest Education Centre Kenya has reported over 13,000 Covid19 cases and 234 deaths. …

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