Phil Russell Memorial Walk – A Great Success!

Great weather, great turn out and great fun! Phil’s memory was honoured by 30+ walkers who shared his vision to enable Ark Quest Education Centre to provide education for some of the most vulnerable children in Mahanga Village, Kenya.

A big thank you to all who supported us, by walking with us, or sponsoring us, or simply donating.

We are thrilled to let you know that over $7000 was raised!

We are planning to make this an annual event and hope that you will join us again next year.


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April Update: First University Student …

Calvine has sent a report on a former Ark Quest student, Albert Karanja: Albert started at Ark Que…

By Lisa Higgins

A Difficult Season for Ark Quest

Our most recent news from Ark Quest Education Centre is that things are quite desperate. Prices of …

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Ark Quest Blog Begins!

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March Update: Covid 19 in Kenya

We understand that Covid 19 is a big concern for all of us at the moment, and this is also the cas…

By Lisa Higgins

May Update

Thanks to all who responded to the needs that were shared in our last blog. Since then, thanks to y…

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Chris and Emily at Ark Quest

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April Update: A Message from Calvine

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By Lisa Higgins

August Update: It’s all go at Ark Quest!

Sam and Hannah Johnston (Bethlehem College past students), recently visited Ark Quest Education Ce…

By Lisa Higgins