March Update

Student Sponsorship Update: Victor.

We are thrilled to hear that, not only have Whitney and Nipha been able to take up positions in high schools, but Victor Atambo is also now at high school. Victor’s father was murdered some time ago in Nairobi. The family were totally dependent on his income, so they have struggled financially as a result. The fact that Victor is able to go to high school is beyond their wildest dreams and gives their whole family hope for the future.

Ark Quest

Calvine tells us that the village school is in full swing for the year. He expresses his gratitude for the regular support which allows the teachers’ salaries to be paid. Both teachers and students fully understand that their future is dependent on their school results. For 2018, the school has 15 students in Year 8 who are currently attending their final year at primary. They will be sitting the KPCE (Kenyan Primary Certificate of Education) at the end of the year. This is the most significant exam for their future educational possibilities.

The Dairy Project

After a long dry period, the rains are back, which has enabled food to be planted for both the school children, and the dairy herd. The dairy project continues to do well. Calvine’s vision is to produce the best business model for training those in the community and providing finances for the school. We are excited about how rapidly the herd has multiplied. This is due to the careful planning and excellent health of the herd. There will soon be a need to extend the cow shed yet again.


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Update May 2017

Ark Quest visit by staff and students from Milimani Academy. UPDATE Calvine reports that students …

By Lisa Higgins

A Special Time with Calvine

Thank you to all of you who helped make Calvine’s visit to New Zealand a success! It was a time of …

By Lisa Higgins

Changes at Ark Quest Trust

Many of you will be aware that Philip Russell, our founding chairman, recently passed away after a …

By Lisa Higgins

August Update: It’s all go at Ark Quest!

Sam and Hannah Johnston (Bethlehem College past students), recently visited Ark Quest Education Ce…

By Lisa Higgins

Phil Russell Memorial Walk for Ark Ques…

It is less than 2 weeks until our Phil Russell Memorial Fundraising Walk!Sat 5th November. Briefing…

By Lisa Higgins

January Update – Good News!

Update The school term resumed for 2018 on the 2nd of January. The children were quite excited to…

By Lisa Higgins

Ark Quest Blog Begins!

We are delighted to start our blog and to share updated information about the progress and activit…

By Lisa Higgins

May Update: Schools Still Waiting to Op…

The Kenyan government still has the restrictions on movement in place. The closest recorded case r…

By Lisa Higgins